NYC Zoning Handbook:
Residential Districts: R4

R4 districts allow the same variety of housing types as R3-2 districts but with a higher density. The 50 percent increase in the FAR produces bulkier structures. The maximum FAR is 0.75 with an attic allowance of up to 0.15 FAR. In general, buildings are no taller than three stories. Any part of a building that is higher than 25 feet is usually set back or under a pitched roof. In order to provide sufficient space for on-site parking and prevent cars from protruding onto the street, front yards must be 10 feet exactly or a minimum of 18 feet. Height and setback requirements may be waived by authorization of the City Planning Commission. One parking space is required for each dwelling unit.

R4 districts are widely mapped in all boroughs except Manhattan. Most neighborhoods zoned R4 are not served directly by rail rapid transit. Sections of College Point in Queens, Throgs Neck in the Bronx and Canarsie in Brooklyn are typical R4 neighborhoods.

Basic Data

R4: General residence district

Minimum lot size:
Detached, single- or two-family:
3,800 square feet lot area;
40 foot lot width
Other: 1,700 square feet;
18 foot lot width
Maximum FAR: 0.75 plus 0.15 attic allowance
Maximum lot coverage: 45%
Minimum lot area per DU: 970 square feet
Maximum DUs per acre: 45
Front yard: 18 feet minimum or 10 feet exactly
Side yards:
Detached (2 required): 13 feet total (minimum); 5 feet minimum
Semi-detached (1 required): 8 feet minimum
Other (2): 8 feet each (minimum) if provided or 10% of building length
Maximum building height: 35 feet; perimeter wall height: 25 feet
Maximum street wall length: 185 feet
Required parking: One space per dwelling unit

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